7. Love and Honour - John 10
25th March, 2012
7. Love and Honour - John 10
A sermon preached on 25th March, 2012, as part of our Looking For Love (6pm Series) series.
John 10:1-18
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Sunday 25th March 2012 – Looking for Love Love and Honour – John 10:1-18; Ezekiel 34:1-16
Perhaps it is appropriate today, at the start of British Summer time that we begin with a focus on the Good Shepherd. The BBC news last week featured a farm where new lambs had been born throughout the night. But the work of that shepherd was very different to the words we heard from John’s gospel.
Leesa McKay

Leesa trained at Spurgeon's College and was ordained in April 2009. She served as an Associate Minister at Central Baptist betweeen 2010 and 2020. Before coming to Chelmsford in she was Associate Minister at Buckhurst Hill having previously been Director for Epping Forest Youth for Christ. Leesa was welcomed to fully accredited status at the Baptist Union Assembly in May 2013.
Looking For Love (6pm Series)
Cafe Church - Will Love Win
Leesa McKay
22nd January 2012 -
Love that makes a difference
Martin Hills
29th January 2012 -
1. Love and God - God Loves you
Leesa McKay
12th February 2012 -
2. Love and Humanity: God loves us in spite of the mess we create (John 4.1-30)
Martin Hills
19th February 2012 -
3. Love and church - We are called to love like Jesus
Leesa McKay
26th February 2012 -
5. Love can be Tough
Matt Rowe
11th March 2012 -
6. Love and Failure - Jesus’ love means there is hope even for failures
Leesa McKay
18th March 2012 -
7. Love and Honour - John 10
Leesa McKay
25th March 2012 -
Palm Sunday 1st April 2012 Love and the cross - John 12:12-36
Leesa McKay
1st April 2012