
In September 2020 we did a 7-week series on Ruth in Club Central @ Home - why not take another look, or catch up on weeks you missed?

There's even a complete retelling of the story of Ruth in Lego - what's not to like?

All the sessions

All the activities, videos, and crafts from our series on Ruth are on the pages below - why not use them in your church?

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Week 1: When disaster strikes

We talk about who Ruth was, and what we can learn from the start of her story.

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Week 2: Love despite the odds

We look at how Ruth trusted Naomi, and how we can learn to trust God.

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Week 3: Kindness in desperate times

This week, we look at how Boaz showed enormous kindness to Ruth, and the difference it made to her.

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Week 4: What's inside counts most

Sometimes people don't see who we really are, but God does.

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Week 5: Redeeming love

We look at what redemption means.

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Week 6: God's bigger plan

Sometimes things don't work out how we expect, but this week we look at how God always has a plan.

The Recap

At the end of our series, we did a recap week - looking at all the things we'd been learning. As part of that, we re-watched a supercut of all the Lego videos! There's more too - a quiz on Ruth, and a chance to draw your very own Lego family.

View our recap week