Start Central
Age: 0-3
Place: Lower hall
Activities: toys, songs, story, snack, colouring
Time: during the 10am Sunday service
Kids Central
Age: Term after turn 3 - end of reception year
Place: Seminar room 1
Activities: Stories, worship, snack, craft, toys, prayer, memory verse
Time: during the 10am Sunday service
Club Central
Age: School years 1-5
Place: Upper hall
Activities: Bible teaching, group discussions, games, crafts, worship, prayer, memory verses
Time: during the 10am Sunday service
Growth Central
Age: School year 6
Place: Phil's office
Activities: Discussions, games, bible teaching, videos, snacks
Time: during the 10am Sunday service
Youth Central
Age: school years 7-9
Place: Seminar Room 1
Activities: We aim to study the bible in greater depth, and apply what we are learning to our daily lives.
Time: during the 10am Sunday service
Home Central
Age: school year Y7-Y9 and Y10 - Y13 who want to grow in their faith.
Location: Various homes published in 'update' email each week
Activities: Discussions, games, food and bible study
Time: 6.30pm Sundays in term time