What we do

We have a huge variety of groups and activities to offer - from connect groups that meet during the week, to groups for children and young people, and groups which give you a chance to meet new people.

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Connect Groups

Connect groups are a chance to meet people, read the Bible, and pray together.

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Children & Youth

We've got groups for every age, on Sundays and during the week - we'd love to see you there!

Board Games Group

Everyone of all ages is welcome to meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the church from 3 - 5.30pm

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BoB - Band of Brothers

Our men's events happen monthly and we have an annual weekend away.

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Ladies' Socials

We have a full programme of events for the year including meals out, craft evenings and much more.

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The football club trains on Thursdays and plays matches on Saturdays weekly.