Safeguarding Children, Young People & Adults At Risk - Procedures regarding recruitment, support & supervision of workers
This document identifies how the church is going to achieve its annually agreed safeguarding policy in relation to children (defined as all children & young people under the age of eighteen) and adults at risk.
This document should be reviewed annually by the Safeguarding Trustee on behalf of the church and should be revised where necessary. At the Annual General Meeting the church should take the opportunity to formally affirm the place of children, young people and adults at risk in the life of the church and to pray for those who work with them.
1) Every prospective worker with children or adults at risk should complete the application process which includes a discussion on the role with a senior member of that team and an opportunity to sit in some sessions to ensure that both the person and the team have an opportunity to see if this is an appropriate appointment. An application form should be completed and signed. The form includes a declaration of criminal offence and an agreement that the church’s policy and recommended practices are followed. Depending on their role they will need to have checks (such as an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check) in line with current guidelines. References will need to be followed up - the only exception permissible is in the case of individuals working for a ‘one-off’ event and ‘short-term’ activity like holiday club, a disco etc. They must still complete the standard application form and sign. This is only for those in a helper role and they must be supervised by senior team members.
2) Each current and prospective worker with children or adults at risk will be offered a paper or electronic copy of all relevant policies, procedures and codes of practice or shown how to access these on-line and will sign a form acknowledging receipt of this information. All workers should be made aware of the importance of reading, understanding and following these policies, procedures and the code of practice.
3) Leaders of organisations/activities are in a supervisory role towards their team. They are responsible for reporting to the safeguarding team any causes for concern. Team leaders must also alert the safeguarding team if they have new prospective members so that everyone completes the application process. It is the responsibility of leaders of organisations to keep the safeguarding team informed of any other changes to staffing.
4) A confidential personal file will be kept by the DPS (Designated Person for Safeguarding) for every worker with children or adults at risk. This may be viewed when appropriate by:
- the worker concerned
- a minister of Central Baptist Church
- the Administrator for Safeguarding
- the DPS
- any person with a legal right to do so (ie Police, Social Services)
It will not be copied and will be responsibly disposed of when no longer relevant.
5) This file will contain (as appropriate):
• The signed volunteer application form (including acknowledgement of responsibility to read safeguarding policy documents, and criminal record declaration) • Any copy of reference letter request and completed reference questionnaires • The Disclosure & Barring Service check result • A record sheet of review meetings with the DPS
Files will be kept securely on the church premises.
6) The DPS and the Safeguarding Trustee must be appointed annually at the church AGM.
7) The role of the DPS role will be to:
- be available to any worker with children or adults at risk to discuss any safeguarding concern
- review any reported concern of abuse and decide on further action
- refer to social services and the police if appropriate
- assist in training/awareness-raising sessions where necessary
- approve all appointments in youth & children’s work and with adults at risk and provide support to all leaders responsible for supervising others
8) The DPS will undergo any necessary training to ensure they maintain an awareness of current recommendations & guidelines. Their role will be reviewed as part of the appraisal process.
9) The church will appoint a Safeguarding Trustee from the current trustees who will take the lead on safeguarding matters on their behalf. All trustees have a duty of care to the children & young people who are involved in the life of the church. The Safeguarding Trustee will:
- ensure there is a proper process in place to write and update the safeguarding policy & procedures
- monitor the implementation of the policy & procedures on behalf of the trustees
- ensure an annual review and present the report of this review to the trustees
10) The church does not appoint an independent person, as recommended in ‘Safe to Grow’, due to the fact that the make up and ethos of the church is such that children have many different youth workers with whom they can discuss matters if necessary and they are encouraged to do so.
11) Every helper (those aged 16 until their 18th birthday) with children will be required to complete and sign a volunteer helper’s form. References may be asked for where the organisation leader feels it is appropriate. Where references are required the organisation leader should inform the safeguarding administrator who will send out the necessary letter and reference form.
12) Every current and prospective worker with children, young people or adults at risk must attend a training session every 3 - 5 years as arranged by the safeguarding team in connection with this safeguarding policy.
13) A copy of all safeguarding procedures and the policy statement will be available for perusal in the safeguarding file in the main church office. The information regarding how to contact the DPS should be also available in this file. All safeguarding procedure documents and the policy information is also available on the church website for both workers and the general public.
Issue 01/05/23